InnoSer news

Flexible Lab Management Services for Accelerated Research - (ISAP)

Written by Casey | Jun 12, 2022 9:00:10 PM

We strive to stay at the forefront of biotechnological developments and to constantly incorporate innovation in our offerings – this is essential to be able to develop more reliable drug development platforms and avoid high drug attrition rates.

Study director Immuno-oncology Kim Frederix and BDM Pascal Simoens will have the opportunity to discuss the importance of innovation in attaining a #smartroadtoabetterhealth at the SINERGIA summer school in June 14.

Our Innovative Projects

PDX/O Oncology Platform

InnoSer has many collaborative projects with research groups from both academia and industry settings to develop novel technologies for use in preclinical settings. This includes a project executed in partnership with Vrije Universiteit Brussel and in close collaboration with Jessa Hospital in Hasselt, Belgium, and Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC, the Netherlands) that resulted in the development of an integrated PDXO drug screening platform. This platform consists of two complementary components, patient-derived xenografts (PDX) and patient-derived organoids (PDO), which are characterized in the same manner. Such models resemble the original patient-derived tumour both phenotypically and genetically. For this reason, one of the main advantages of such a platform is its predictive value in drug screening, as your compounds can be coherently tested both in vitro and in vivo, using the same starting parental material.

Many xenografts, organoids or combined models are already validated and currently available for compound testing. For other models, we are happy to collaborate and validate the platform with your compounds.


We have many other ongoing international collaborations in order to support, develop and actively invest in more effective platforms for drug development to contribute to scientific advancements. Curious about the projects we are currently involved in?

Check out the overview of InnoSer’s consortia projects that include development of organoid and organ-on-chip platforms. Curious and would you like to get in touch?

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