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PDX/O oncology platform developments at InnoSer

Despite the challenging times for the life sciences sector during coronavirus restrictions, we’ve been fortunate enough and well prepared to continue with the development of our PDX/O platform for oncology research.

On a weekly basis we receive patient tumor samples from our partner hospitals in the Netherlands and Belgium. These samples are immediately processed to create both patient-derived xenografts and patient-derived organoids. They are then characterized on a genetic and transcriptional level and stored in a biobank.

Momentarily, InnoSer is focusing on the collection of lung (small-cell and non-small-cell), liver and pancreas carcinomas which are to be extended to other malignancies, thus offering a broad spectrum of screening solutions.

By combining patient-derived in-vivo and in-vitro models within a single platform, InnoSer strives to increase the predictive value of its preclinical drug-screening offerings as well as offering a solution for personalized medicine.